Thursday, March 14, 2013


 Hola a todos,
Wednesday Kendall and I were invited to go to Normal Superior campus (a lovely University campus where Cindy Elliot will be assisting the students in designing their own Peace Garden). At our arrival students were in gym class play games. The students included us to play along. It felt like my field of studies back at home, Community Recreation and Leadership Training. It was nice to attend this class. I was able to follow and observe they way they work. The students were animated and had fun playing games targeted for preschool and elementary children.
We were invited to attend a special photograph exhibition and the launch of an extraordinary film created by the staff and students of the campus. Everything they had to show us was revolved around the love for our earth and the importance of sustainability. The film was emotional and moving. The students expressed themselves powerfully about how important and essential it is to keep their community and country away from violence. Throughout the short film you can hear, see and feel the motivation, dedication and hopefulness the students have to make a change in their own and other people’s lives.  
          They started making their school a healthy environment by exposing profound photographs (taken by the staff) of the beautiful Nature surrounding them inside and out of their campus. Each photograph said more than a million words about their culture, community and country. Furthermore, each picture represented peace and non-violence. Every image brings you into a serene state of mind. They make you reflect upon the world’s existence and show the environment’s beauty. At first I thought, “Wow, I want to buy one of these images to put in my home! They are so inspiring and beautiful.” However, I realized that these photographs were too symbolic for the students and staff for me to take one away. These photographs were meant to be there all along and are there to stay to remind the students and staff what is the meaning of non-violence. The pictures bring them peace and are there to give them motivation to continue what they are doing. They are showing the world what they are truly capable of. And that is, they are the ambassadors of peace and non-violence.
Thank you to Normal Superior University for inviting me to a heart-warming ceremony. You have inspired me to do more good, to keep the faith and you have further given me reasons to continue what I do. Which is, to help the community find peace and to further understand, love and believe in Nature.

Love Nature and stay peaceful,

1 comment:

  1. Gab and Kendall

    Outstanding work! Kids at Westmount Science Camp and I will look forward to hearing all about your trip this summer when you get back.

